
Showing posts from February, 2018

IBS 23 - Humility through submission

IBS 23 (Adaptability and Mutual Submission) Ephesians 5:21 Submitting to one another in the fear of God. It is wise to submit oneself to another, simply because God commands it. Submission for the flesh is lost but for the spirit it is gain. We are allowing God to shine onto others through our lowliness and humility. In the same act we are allowing God to transform us into Christians that truly worship Him. Furthermore, He is also bringing unity through our self-sacrificing submissions. Unity with our brethren, marriages, Parents, and the leaders He sets before us. By submitting our self we are stepping out of our own interests and stepping into the interest of others. Submission takes us out of our comfort zone, which can be costly for our personal values. It is a tool God uses to bring more of a fullness to the mind and heart of the Christian, and growth in the fruits of the spirit. In apply submission today, I will step down to the ideas and interest of my brethren. During the tim...

IBS 22 - Obedience is gain

IBS 22 (Obedience) Hebrews 13:17 Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls, as those who must give account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you. "For they watch out for your souls" Wow! Ones that have shown the word of God, those who rule over us. Bring them Joy through obedience! "Considering to the out come of their conduct" (Hebrews 13:7). Be submissive to those commands and teachings; God alone has put them in their positions of rule. They will give account for us, let that not be of grief. Obedience is Profit. The flesh does not understand obedience, it only knows loss in submitting itself. For the spirit, obedience is everything of gain. True gain! For my application I will choose to set apart from coffee today. God has been asking me to be obedient in this, and to trust him. I have noticed that it has become a hindrance in seeking more of Him.

IBS 21 - One obedience

IBS 21 (Obedience) Colossians 3:20 Children, obey your parents in all things, for this is well pleasing to the Lord. Ephesians 6:1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. The Lord commanded, thus it shall be done; obey your parents! I had to really dig deep for this one, I suppose God had His purpose with it being an IBS for me. There's two point of view's I captured from these two verses. First, though my parents have made many mistakes in thier own life and in their efforts of rising me; there was and still is one thing they always asked of me, which leads me to say they didn't fail. The one thing my parents always have asked of me was to Live for Christ. If there was one universal answer for life, it was God. Its hard to think of obeying parents that made the mistakes they did, but I can't say they ever wanted anything ungodly from me. Disobeying would be deny the fact that they only requested me to do the best for myself. This is one realization ...

IBS 20 - Death to the old man

IBS 20 Romans 6:16 Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one's slaves whom you obey, whether of sin leading to death, or obedience leading to righteousness? Death to my old man, no longer am I a slave to sin and the old masters I served. I am reborn in the spirit because of the blood of Jesus Christ. Under grace I am alive to God in Jesus Christ our Lord. Having been set free I am of obedience leading to righteousness. I am not set free to be my own master, only then to lead myself back to being a slave to sin. No, certainly not! I am a slave onto God, that which I do not deserve but I am received through Grace. I am blessed to have a Father and Lord that is Compassion. My bonds of sin are broken beacuse of  the God that shows Love, Mercy, and Grace. May it be that I contiune with being filled everyday afresh though the Holy Spirit to stand firm as a slave of righteousness. My application today will be to write a note that quotes " De...

IBS 19 -Fearless and Obedient

IBS 19 (Obedience) Acts 5:29 But Peter and the other apostles answered and said: "We ought to obey God rather than men" Breaking down this verse was such a radical blessing, because I was able catch a couple of things I didn't catch when I first looked over this section of Acts chapter 5. First, God freed the apostles and told them to go and teach in the temple. Though the apostles were just imprisoned for that exact offence; they obediently went to the temple and taught. What radical faith and obedience! On addition, the gaurds even feared using violence, because they didn't want to be stone by the people listening to the teachings. Another radical event that took place was that the council did not question the apostles for how they escaped the prison. But asked the apostles why they had been still teaching after being strictly commanded not to. Futhermore, going into saying that as apostles they obey God rather than men. There are two ways I'd like to relate thi...

IBS 1 -Let us cross with faith

IBS 1 (FAITH) Luke 8:22-23 On a certain day Jesus gets into a boat with His disciples, "let us cross the lake" He says. They lauched out and Jesus falls asleep. A windstorm comes down on the lake, filling the boat with water; and putting them in jeopardy. When Jesus called His disciples to cross the lake they launched without question. As a disciple you obey your Teacher and Master. If a storm should come, a perfect and correct disciple will keep his faith in His Masters judgement. The disicples did not keep faith during thier task of crossing the lake. With Jesus sleeping and a storm brewing, the disciples and their faith fell into a state of jeopardy. Jesus awakes from His sleep and rebukes the storm, but says to His disciples " where is your faith?". Taking the lesson out of this verse should mean applying faith into my life over fleshly and worldly insticts that easily sway me. By apply this verse to my life I listen to the spiritual calling of prayer over the n...