IBS 23 - Humility through submission

IBS 23 (Adaptability and Mutual Submission)
Ephesians 5:21
Submitting to one another in the fear of God.
It is wise to submit oneself to another, simply because God commands it. Submission for the flesh is lost but for the spirit it is gain. We are allowing God to shine onto others through our lowliness and humility. In the same act we are allowing God to transform us into Christians that truly worship Him. Furthermore, He is also bringing unity through our self-sacrificing submissions. Unity with our brethren, marriages, Parents, and the leaders He sets before us.
By submitting our self we are stepping out of our own interests and stepping into the interest of others. Submission takes us out of our comfort zone, which can be costly for our personal values. It is a tool God uses to bring more of a fullness to the mind and heart of the Christian, and growth in the fruits of the spirit.
In apply submission today, I will step down to the ideas and interest of my brethren. During the time in our classes, the time with my Uganda group on our video, and even during our meals. Putting their interest before my own, speaking less to let others speak more.


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