IBS 24 - I became, I become.

IBS 24 (Adaptibility and Mutual Submission)
1 Corinthians 9:22
"to the weak I became as weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some"
" I became", " I become"; Paul speaks about adaptibility in his walk with the Lord. A servant to all, to win all. To adapt to others culture, that he might win those certain men. Paul Importantly noting that it is done with remaining under the law of God. This ablitiy to adapt is not to be misrepresented. God does not require people to become like us but us to become like them to present His word to them. For me this message will help me to be mindful of those with differences in other cultures, those that are in a weak state, and those with different behavior rooted from values and worldviews. I am not to change those people to be converted to my customs. I am to share with them the gospel, that will transform their own customs for the glory of God and Lord of all, Jesus. I will apply this message to my life today by being more intentional towards one of my teammates.


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