Uganda IBS 11 - Putting God first; at all times.

Genesis 4:4-5
"And Abel also brought of the firstborn of his flock and of their fat portions. And the Lord had regard for Abel and his offering,"
"but for Cain and his offering he had no regard. So Cain was very angry, and his face fell."
In this section of the bible we read of Cain and Able, the sons of Adam. Cain worked the land, and Able kept sheep. Now reading chapter four we see God choosing to regard Abel's offering but having no regard for Cain's offering. Abel's offering is good and respected by God. Abel recognized that the first fruits of his labor were good, and the best for God. God never saw the firstfruits from Cain, which would have been a good offering to God. Cain kept the first fruit for himself but for God he gave the fruit that remained. God should always be first in our lives. By offering God the first fruits of our labor we honor the one who truly deserves boasting. For it was God who provided all that we needed and it should be Him that is recognized first. When we consider ourselves first, we are welcoming sin into our lives. We give to God only because we think we need to and not because we want to. Those offerings are in vain. Cain not only gave nothing good but also allowed sin over power his decisions. Cain then became bitter, angry, and jealous. Which lead him to murder his brother Abel. The lesson here is that I should always put God first. Not only offering my blessing and thankfulness in my times of need but in my seasons of blessings, that are plentiful and with full harvest. I apply this today by thanking God tonight for the blessings I have and strength to over come the troubles I have, like the rash I got under my arm but the medicine and patience to push foward though it, and in the end give him the glory for my healing.


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