Uganda IBS 18

Uganda IBS 18
John 4:13-14
"Jesus said to her, everyone who drinks of this water will be thristy again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thristy again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life."
In John's gospel we read about the story of Jesus and the woman at the well. During Jesus' ministry travels He crosses through Samaria and resting at a well in a town called Sychar He meets a woman drawing water. This woman is known as an outcast among the samaritain people because of her many marriages and now being with a man out of wedd-lock. Jesus of course knew these things about this woman and asked for a drink from the well. Like most of us, she was too ignorant by not knowing the gift of God and the one who gives it, and denied his request. Many often make this mistake of spiritual ignorance toward not truly knowing the gift of God and the One who gives it. Jesus answered back to her basically saying that if you knew whom is asking, you'd instead ask Him for Living Water. The woman didn't understand at first what Jesus had meant but in further conversation it became clear to her. Just like most of were before coming to Christ she also was completely finished with what the world had to offer. She had been through a lot and was as P.Joe Focht puts it "disillusioned", had her fill with the world's well yet still thristy. Jesus offered water of eternal life, one that would fill the void of emptiness.  She heard of the Gift He was giving and knew the One who gave it and became a witness the very moment He said "I who speak to you I am He" (ESV) professing that He was the Christ. Leaving her water pot she ran to town professing that she had found the Christ. The questions I take out of this is... have I like the woman in this story left my water pot? Or have I instead stayed to drink from the same well?
If so I must come back to know the Gift and the Giver that sustains me. By spirit and in truth I am kept without thrist but with contentment. In applying this today I will share with someone about the Gift and the Giver.


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